Whether you’re looking to get back in shape for basketball, improve your vertical, improve your athleticism, or whatever, you can find what you need on Here are some basketball workouts to help you out.

As I’m writing this, it’s early fall, so the basketball season is about to start for most schools. For that reason, I’ll start with these basketball workouts to help you get back in shape for basketball.

Get Back in Shape – Workouts for Basketball Players

Get back in shape with this 3 to 4-week basketball workout:

WEEK 1 – Days 1, 3 and 5

Down and Back – Dribbling (right down, left back)2Twice Down and Back
Foot Fire330 Seconds
Zig-Zag Drill (Ball Handling)2Twice Down and Back
Line Jumps330 Seconds
Line Drill Sprints – Down and Back22 down and back
Rim Jumps212 (6 right reaches, 6 left)
Line Drill Sprints – Halfcourt-Back-Down-Back22 Full Cycles
Plank230 Seconds (or as long as possible)
Mountain Climber212

WEEK 1 – Days 2, 4 and 6

Dumbbell Swing212 (1 set each R & L)
Step Ups28 each leg (1 set = 16)
Dumbell Rows212 each R & L
Body-Weight or Dumbell Squats312
Back Raises310

WEEK 2 – Days 1, 3 and 5

Down and Back – Dribbling (right down, left back)2Twice Down and Back
Foot Fire230 Seconds
Zig-Zag Drill (Ball Handling)2Twice Down and Back
Line Jumps230 Seconds
Line Drill Sprints – Down and Back22 down and back
Rim Jumps212 (6 right reaches, 6 left)
Line Drill Sprints – Halfcourt-Back-Down-Back22 Full Cycles
Plank230 Seconds (or as long as possible)
Mountain Climber212
Line Drill Sprints – Suicides3Full Suicides
Russian Twists212

WEEK 2 – Days 2, 4 and 6

Barbell Bench Press312
Dumbbell Swing212 (1 set each R & L)
Step Ups28 each leg (1 set = 16)
Pullups (or assisted Pullups)28
Body-Weight or Dumbell Squats212
Dumbell Rows212 each R & L
Back Raises210
Swiss Ball Leg Curls210
Calf Raises210 each R & L

WEEKS 3 & 4 – Days 1, 3 and 5

Down and Back – Dribbling (right down, left back)2Twice Down and Back
Foot Fire230 Seconds
Zig-Zag Drill (Ball Handling)2Twice Down and Back
Line Jumps230 Seconds
Line Drill Sprints – Down and Back22 down and back
Rim Jumps212 (6 right reaches, 6 left)
Defensive Figure 82Complete Figure 8
Line Drill Sprints – Halfcourt-Back-Down-Back22 Full Cycles
Plank230 Seconds (or as long as possible)
Mountain Climber212
Line Drill Sprints – Suicides3Full Suicides
Russian Twists212
Side Planks130 Seconds each side

WEEKS 3 & 4 – Days 2, 4 and 6

Barbell Bench Press38
Dumbbell Swing210 (1 set each R & L)
Step Ups28 each leg (1 set = 16)
Pullups (or assisted Pullups)210
Straight-Leg Deadlifts210
Military Press212
Barbell Squats312
Dumbell Rows28 each R & L
Back Raises210
Swiss Ball Leg Curls210
Calf Raises210 each R & L

Dribbling Warm-up Basketball

  1. 50 Hard Right Hand Dribble Pounds
  2. 50 Hard Left Hand Dribble Pounds
  3. 100 Low Crossovers
  4. 50 Low Dribbles under the right leg
  5. 50 Low Dribbles under the left leg
  6. 50 behind the back dribbles
  7. Around Chest Left>Right 50 Times
  8. Around Chest Right>Left 50 Times

Shooting Warmup:

  • 20 shots from right-wing, right elbow, mid, left elbow and left-wing at netball circle distance
  • 50 FTs made
  • 20 3s made